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NHASP Leadership

President: Jackie Tormey

President Elect: Sam Broadhead

Past President: Kate Grieve

Treasurer: Alex McDermid

Secretary: Julie Bassie

NASP Delegate: Kate Salvati

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NHASP School Psychologist of the Year (SPY)

Nominations are solicited from all members of NHASP, registrants at our annual Fall Conference, our Regional Representatives, school principals, special education directors and superintendents. Supporting documents are solicited from teachers, students, parents, school administrators and colleagues. The Selection Committee is generally comprised of the President, Past-President and President-Elect of NHASP, but may include different members at the President's discretion.  All nominees must be members in good standing of NHASP.  The NHASP SPY is the organization's nominee to the NASP SPY election.

Nomination Instructions for SPY 2023.docx

The following criteria will be used by the Selection Committee in making its decision:

Provides a full range of school psychological services.
This means consultation, assessment, intervention, supervision, research, and program planning and evaluation. Candidates should be rated on these criteria according to how many of the areas they are engaged in based on documentation provided.

Performs job in an exemplary manner.
Since most letters of support are usually glowing, the Committee should look for specific statements of the candidate's skill in a variety of areas, rather than global praise. In addition to technical skills, consider communication skills with parents, teachers, administrators and students; empathy; child-centeredness; leadership; innovation and creativity in direct service; knowledge of current trends in the field; community service; awards/recognition for outstanding accomplishment.

Earns respect of colleagues, students and parents.
Look for specific statements regarding the candidate's relationships with colleagues, teachers, administrators and students. The quality of their interpersonal relationships and evidence of activities that earn the respect of our communities is important. Community service awards, awards for professional accomplishments, distinguished service awards, election to positions of leadership, etc. could be considered.

Displays pride in NHASP and represents school psychology well.
This is not likely to be mentioned in letters of nomination or support unless specifically requested, but the Committee may be able to determine this without documentation from the nominator. As evidence of this criteria, look for active involvement in both NASP and NHASP, as well as involvement in legislative affairs, educational regulation and standards, district level planning, and any other area in which the candidate is viewed as a representative of school psychology.

Is well informed about NHASP standards and goals.
Look for specific evidence that the candidate's job performance reflects NASP Standards for the Provision of School Psychological Services in as many areas as possible. As a state association, we might try to determine if the candidate's activities demonstrate support of the position statements NHASP has passed or an understanding of our long-range goals.

Each of the above five criteria can be rated 1 - 5, so that a "perfect" score would total 25

NHASP Lifetime Achievement Award (LAA)

The purpose of the NHASP LLA is to identify and recognize an outstanding school psychologist who has had an impact on the field in the state of N. H.  and who has dedicated his or her professional life to the development and improvement of school psychology.

NHASP has modeled its LLA after that of NASP, so the Executive Board will consider the procedures and selection criteria that NASP has established and which are posted on the NASP website.

NHASP Scholarship Award

Adopted on April 5, 2012 this scholarship was established to encourage individuals who are enrolled in, or about to enroll in, a school psychology program and demonstrate outstanding scholarship and leadership qualities to pursue or further advance a career in the field of school psychology.


  • Applicant must be enrolled in, or about to enroll in, a graduate program leading to a degree in school psychology or certification as a school psychologist for upcoming academic year.
  • Applicant must have demonstrated leadership qualities and participated in activities that show interest in and commitment to psychology, education, and/or school psychology.

 Priority will be extended to:

  • Applicants who demonstrate strong academic standing.
  • Applicant who are residents of New Hampshire.
  • Applicants who are NHASP members.
  • Applicants whose sponsoring NHASP member has taken a leadership role.
  • Applicants whose sponsoring NHASP member has actively participated in the functions and activities of NHASP

 Application/Selection Process:   

  • Applicant must submit an essay to the NHASP Executive Board indicating his/her intention of pursuing or further advancing a career in school psychology and a description of his/her activities and leadership roles. Applicant may include resumes or any other supportive information that he/she feels would be helpful to the NHASP selection committee.
  • Applicant must submit a valid transcript and/or acceptance letter as proof of being enrolled in, or about to be enrolled in, a graduate program leading to a degree in school psychology or certification as a school psychologist.
  • Applications will be reviewed and selection made by three (3) active members of NHASP, appointed by the NHASP President.


  • The Scholarship Committee will consist of an odd number of NHASP members who shall be appointed by the President.
  • The Scholarship Committee will use a rubric (created at the discretion of the Committee) to guide the selection process.
  • The scholarship will be awarded based on a majority vote of the Scholarship Committee.


There will be one (1) single $1,000 award for a graduate year.  Awards will be paid directly to the recipient, not the educational institution. 

NHASP Scholorship Application

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