Upcoming Events

NHASP Leadership

President: Sam Broadhead

President Elect: Joe Mahoney

Past President: Jackie Tormey

Treasurer: Alex McDermid

Secretary: Julie Bassie

NASP Delegate: Kate Salvati

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Get Involved in NHASP!

NHASP is a strong and member led organization that thrives on the efforts of volunteers. Additionally, NHASP leaders participate in numerous activities at a state and local level in NH. Opportunities for participation exist both within NHASP as well as around NH on behalf of NHASP.

NHASP Opportunities

Members interested in engaging with volunteer efforts with NHASP have many options: 

  • Attend a Board Meeting! All members are always welcome at all NHASP board meetings. Information on our executive board and other general information on NHASP is available at the About NHASP page
  • Attend a Regional Meeting! Members can attend NHASP regional meetings to meet other practicing school psychologists and NHASP leaders. 
  • Attend a NHASP PLC meeting
  • Attend a Study Group or Mini Skills presentation!
  • Attend the Early Career Group! All school psychologists in NH who are in their first 5 years of practice are welcome to attend the early career group
  • Graduate students can apply to be a NHASP Graduate Assistant to a NHASP leader!

Board Meetings

Board meetings are held from 4:30-6:30 on the 2nd Wednesday of each month September through June, some exceptions (see dates below). All NHASP members are encouraged to come to meetings! Email our NHASP president to receive the invitation information.

See the Event Page for the Board Meetings for a link to add them to your calendar.

Meeting dates for the 2023-2024 school year will be as below. Note, the November meeting is Sunday, November 12th and there is no December or February meeting. 

September 13th

October 11th

November 12th 

January 10th

March 13th 

April 10th 

May 8th 

June 12th 


NHASP Board meetings are typically held by Zoom or in person. Please contact NHASP president to confirm the location or obtain the link to the video conference.

If we meet in person, the location will be: 

NEA-NH Building

9 South Spring Street

Concord, NH

Join our Listserv

To subscribe or unsubscribe, visit the site linked below and click the button to <Join Group>. You may be required to have a Google account and password to access Google Groups. If you do not already have an account, you can create one with your own email address. You do not have to have or create a Gmail account. To contact the moderator of this listserv, send a message to the "List Owner".

NHASP Listserv 2021 - Google Groups

NHASP Graduate Student Assistant program

NHASP has a program to involve graduate students in school psychology in our association more directly. We have long had a graduate student representative as a member of our leadership team. This program expands the role of graduate students by creating four student assistant positions. 

For more information, please see the description of the program. For questions or if you are interested in applying, please contact NHASP Past-President

Current Efforts around NH

NHASP Leaders are involved in many efforts in NH. Some of these are outlined below:

  • NH Community of Practice on School Behavioral Health
  • NH Children’s Behavioral Health Collaborative
  • www.nh4youth.org/
  • Revision of standards for school psychology in NH
  • Development of performance based assessment strategies for related service providers

NHASP members who are engaged in similar efforts that are not listed here can contact a NHASP board member to discuss them further if they wish.

Additional Opportunities

  • Contact the NHASP president listed in the column to the right with general ideas or questions or submit a question in the Contact Us page
  • Contact a specific NHASP leader working in the area of your interest. Committee chairs and other NHASP leaders are listed here.
  • Join the NHASP listserv
  • You can learn more about living and working in NH as a school psychologist on our Employment in NH page.
  • Do one of more of the great ideas for School Psychology Awareness Week created for NH.  
  • You can also support school psychology by supporting NASP, the National Association of School Psychologists.  

  We can’t wait for you to join our community!
Join us or renew here ยป

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